Atlas Engineering Group > Projects > Transportation > US Route 41 from IL Route 21 to Delaney Road, Lake County

US Route 41 from IL Route 21 to Delaney Road, Lake County

AEG provided professional design services for the improvement of US 41, including storm sewer improvement design, hydraulic analyses, XPSWMM modeling, prepare Drainage and Utility Plans, Erosion Control Plans, floodway construction permit application, SWPP and associated plans, specifications and cost estimates.

The scope of work for this project consisted of installing left and right HMA shoulders at various locations along US 41, removing and replacing sub-standard guardrail end sections, and providing sign modernization throughout the project limits. Impact attenuators were installed at Skokie Valley Bike Path and the railroad bridge viaduct, southeast of IL 60. The left turn lane on the west leg at Delany Road was lengthened to accommodate the existing queue due to the conversion from the existing protected-permissive left turn phasing to Left Turn On Arrow Only phasing, at the US 41 approaches. Additionally, the east leg’s right-turn lane was lengthened on the east leg of the intersection.

Clients:                   Millennia Professional Services (MPS)/Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)

Services:                 Phase II Engineering

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