Atlas Engineering Group > Projects > Stormwater Management > Jane Addams Memorial Tollway Reconstruction

Jane Addams Memorial Tollway Reconstruction and Add Lane, M.P. 25.00 (Genoa Road) to M.P. 17.60 (Mill Road) (I-11-4023)

Atlas Engineering Group served on a Team which provided Phase II Design Engineering Services for the preparation of contract plans, specifications, permits, schedules and cost estimates for the proposed reconstruction of the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) between Mile Post 25.00 (Genoa Road) to Mile Post 17.60 (Mill Road) in Boone and Winnebago counties, Illinois.

This project was part of the Move Illinois Program and involved reconstruction and widening of the existing mainline and ramp pavements, rehabilitation and widening of existing bridges, modification and upgrade of existing drainage systems, engineering design of detention basins, erosion and sediment control, barrier warrant analyses, maintenance of traffic and preparation of required permit documents.

AEG’s design services consisted of Roadway and Drainage Plan preparation for roadway widening and bridge reconstruction of existing mainline and ramp pavements, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation and widening of existing bridges, new drainage structures, detention basins, modification of existing drainage systems, and preparation of final contract plans, specifications, and estimates.

Client: McClure Engineering Associates, Inc., HW Lochner, Inc., Fehr Graham &Associates, LLC (MLFG)/Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA)

Services: Phase II Engineering (Plans, Specifications and Estimates)

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